iU大学客員教授 (最終更新2023/3/31)
幼少期はインドで育つ。高校在籍中にインドニューデリーの株式会社博報堂子会社のAdGlobal360 India Pvt. Ltdでマーケティングのインターンを経験。インドでのインターン時にGoogle Indiaに訪問し、プログラミングに興味を持つ。大学1年生の夏休みに長期エンジニア養成プロジェクト、「Techprenour DOJO」で最終審査を通過。また同じく大学1年生の冬にCVC4.0型ファンドの先駆者である米国ペガサス・テック・ベンチャーズ主催のシリコンバレー スカラーシップに奨学生として選出。サークルは早稲田大学公認のコンピュータ研究会・WINCの53代目幹事長を歴任。
大学2年の春から株式会社Forstartでgolangとclean architectureを用いて「RanQ」のWebバックエンド開発職を担当。夏から同時進行で株式会社WynでFlutterを用いて「Andu」のネイティブアプリのフロントエンドとバックエンドを担当しサブスクリプション機能をリード開発。また武蔵野美術大学の学生団体と共同で「Arcle」の開発全般を担当。
プログラミングは独学で勉強していて合計20個以上のアプリを開発した。その中でも2週間で開発した学生限定のSNSアプリ「ガクチャ」は現在 18万ダウンロード達成。 現在も一人で趣味範囲で開発&運営を行っている。他にもNFTユーザー向けのSNS「Crypties」やぼっち飯同士マッチングアプリ「ぼっち飯」を手掛ける。
またGoogleが開発したクロスプラットフォーム開発のUIフレームワーク、Flutterが好きで、「Flutter Japan」という日本最大のFlutterコミュニティを設立し、代表を務める。現在はFlutterの技術書も執筆中。
NauNauという位置情報SNSがApp Store 無料ランキング総合1位を獲得して、Suishow株式会社に譲渡。
東大&早稲田発のスタートアップ、Suishow株式会社の代表取締役社長として事業を行なった。 現在はiU大学で客員教授を務める。
Raised in India during childhood. While in high school, completed a marketing internship at AdGlobal360 India Pvt. Ltd, a subsidiary of Hakuhodo Inc. in New Delhi, India. During the internship in India, visited Google India and developed an interest in programming. Passed the final screening of a long-term engineering training project called “Techprenour DOJO” during the summer vacation of the first year of university. Also selected as a scholarship student for the Silicon Valley scholarship sponsored by Pegasus Tech Ventures, a pioneer in CVC 4.0 funds, during the winter of first year of university. Served as the 53rd chairman of the Waseda University-approved computer research club, WINC.
From the spring of second year at university, they were responsible for the web backend development of “RanQ” using golang and clean architecture at Forstart Co., Ltd. From the summer, they concurrently led the development of the front-end and back-end of the native app “Andu” using Flutter at Wyn Co., Ltd. and led the development of the subscription function. They also worked on the overall development of “Arcle” in collaboration with a student organization at Musashino Art University.
They studied programming on own and developed more than 20 apps in total. Among them, the student-limited SNS app “Gakucha,” which was developed in two weeks, has now achieved 180,000 downloads. They continue to develop and operate apps within their hobby range alone, including the NFT user-oriented SNS “Crypties” and the matching app for solo diners “Bocchi Meshi.”
They also like Flutter, a UI framework for cross-platform development developed by Google, and founded Flutter Japan, the largest Flutter community in Japan, where they currently serve as representative. They are also currently writing a technical book on Flutter.
As a hobby, they also created a location-based SNS called NauNau, which achieved the top spot in the App Store’s free ranking.
Currently, they are the President and CEO of Suishow Co., Ltd., a startup founded by graduates of the University of Tokyo and Waseda University, conducting business in the metaverse and blockchain.
My three major goals are:
Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Creative Science and Engineering, 2018
Waseda University