Natsuki Kataoka


Waseda University


高校在籍中にインドニューデリーの株式会社博報堂子会社のAdGlobal360 India Pvt. Ltdでマーケティング及びプログラミングのインターンを経験。大学1年生の夏休みに長期エンジニア養成プロジェクト、「Techprenour DOJO」で最終審査を通過。また同じく大学1年生の冬にCVC4.0型ファンドの先駆者である米国ペガサス・テック・ベンチャーズ主催のシリコンバレー スカラーシップに奨学生として選出。サークルは大学公認のプログラミングサークルの幹事長を努め、入会当初3人のサークルから現在100人超の日本一規模の大きいコンピュータサークルに成長。

大学2年の春から株式会社Forstartでgolangとclean architectureを用いて「RanQ」のWebバックエンド開発職を担当。夏から同時進行で株式会社WynでFlutterを用いて「Andu」のネイティブアプリのフロントエンドとバックエンドを担当。また武蔵野美術大学の学生団体と共同で「Arcle」の開発全般を担当。


  • 最新の技術を使って、今の価値観を取り壊し、これからの常識に変えていく。
  • 世の中の情報通信技術の進歩に大きく貢献する。
  • 全員が主体的に楽しく仕事をするような世の中を作りたい。


I am enrolled in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Creative Science and Engineering, at Waseda University.

While in high school, I worked as a marketing and programming intern at AdGlobal360 India Pvt. Ltd, a subsidiary of Hakuhodo Inc. in New Delhi, India. During the summer break of my first year at Waseda, I was selected as a finalist for the Techprenour DOJO, a long-term engineering training project. In the winter I was selected as a scholarship recipient for the Silicon Valley Scholarship sponsored by Pegasus Tech Ventures, a pioneer in CVC 4.0 type funds. I was also the organizer of a university-sanctioned programming club, which has grown from three members to over 100 members.

In the spring of his sophomore year, I started working at Forstart Inc. as a web backend developer for “RanQ” using golang and clean architecture. Also in summer, I have been working on the front-end and back-end of “Andu” native app at Wyn Inc. using Flutter. I’m also in charge of the overall development of “Arcle” in collaboration with a student group at Musashino Art University.

I am self-taught in programming and has personally managing more than 10 iOS/Android apps, including the community app “Gakucha”, which has been in development since December 2020 and has been installed by thousands of users in 3 weeks.

Download my resumé.

  • Solving problems
  • Business Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer Science
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Creative Science and Engineering, 2018

    Waseda University